Terrarium Care
Terrariums are truly magical and it's a fascinating journey to watch them thrive, grow and change over time.
Finding the perfect spot
Place your Terrarium indoors where it will receive plenty of natural, bright light but not direct sunlight, as your plants may cook inside the glass. Keep away from direct heat sources such as heaters, as the moss and plants inside prefer a consistent temperature that changes with the seasons.
Sealed Terrariums
Closed terrariums are miniature, self-sustaining ecosystems that are ideal for tropical plants that love humid environments. The landscape created inside the vessel essentially mimics the plants natural ecosystem in the outside world.
When the terrarium is first made, it's watered well and then sealed to prevent any water escaping. The terrarium becomes self sustaining as the plants create their own water cycle. The plants take in water through their roots and it then evaporates from their leaves and soil. Water droplets then condense on the glass of the terrarium, which then rains back down onto the soil below - a continuous cycle of nourishment.
Condensation is a normal process and can be used as a guide in ensuring adequate moisture levels are present inside your Terrarium.
It's important to also note that the level of condensation will change throughout the day. It will often be higher during the warmer periods of the day or when the light is stronger and often when its placed closer to windows. This will ease off as the day cools off.
Condensation is at its best when it appears as a slight mist inside your terrarium, with very small water droplets on the glass sides. If large droplets of water are present and if condensation is consistently high through the day, then the conditions are too wet. Lift the lid for a day and then replace. Monitor the condensation levels and repeat if required.
The beauty of our closed Terrariums is that they shouldn't require watering. As the vessel is fully enclosed, they recycle their own water through evaporation and condensation.
However... monitoring your condensation levels is key. If you notice that condensation has completely stopped on the inside of the glass vessel (no fog, no tiny droplets), its time to check on the moisture levels.
- Take off the lid
- Feel the soil and moss - is it dry to touch or is the moss changing colour?
- If it's still moist, pop the lid back on and check again in a week.
- If it's dry to touch, it will need a light water.
- Watering is best done in the morning so that the mosses can metabolise while it receives sunlight.
- Using a clean spray bottle filled with either rainwater, spring water or distilled water, lightly spray your plants.
- Allow your Terrarium to air out for 1 hour and then replace the lid.
Using only distilled water or rainwater is extremely important, as tap water can contain chlorine and fluoride which can be harmful to your terrarium over time.
While your moss will survive in an enclosed environment for a reasonable amount of time, we recommend that you allow for periods of aeration to improve circulation and allow for gaseous exchange. This will help keep your moss thriving, rather than just surviving.
To do this, remove the lid of your Terrarium once every 1-2 weeks for a day. Then spray your moss very lightly and replace the lid. Monitor the condensation to ensure you haven't overwatered and remove the lid again if necessary.
Some cleaning may be required from time to time. If you find that the glass of your Terrarium is getting smudged or dusty on the outside, use a microfibre cloth to clean it.
If you find that tiny grains of sand or dirt on the inside of your Terrarium, you can clean these off easily by using a spray bottle with distilled water (no tap water or cleaning product!). Give the side of the glass a few squirts downwards then let your Terrarium breathe for 1-2 days to balance out the moisture levels. Monitor condensation levels and take action if required.
Pruning & Fertilising
The moss and plants in your Terrarium will naturally grow slowly. If you find your terrarium is becoming a little crowded, you can trim some of the plant leaves to give it more shape. Or you can simply let it run wild!
As for fertilising, there is no need. We add all the best ingredients at the time of planting. Dead plant material will naturally break down and recycle nutrients back into the soil.
Green vs Brown Moss
Bright green colourings is what draws us into the moss world for its simplistic beauty, but there may be times when your moss turns dull and takes on a "browner" appearance. But don't panic! Moss is an amazing ancient plant that is very hardy and it will often go into periods of dormancy when the conditions are not ideal, however it quickly springs back to life when conditions are corrected.
Dark brown moss often means either too inadequate moisture levels or not enough light. To assist with its recovery, move it to a brighter location if its currently placed in a darker location. Then, feel the moss. Is it moist to touch? If so, allow it to air out for a day or two. If it feels dry, mist with water as above.
Light brown or tan moss is a sign of either too much light/direct sun or a reaction to impurities in the water. If light is not the problem, then ask yourself - "have I been watering with distilled water?" It may be difficult to recover your moss at this stage and it may be best to replace your moss. If this is the case, contact us for help.
Open Terrariums
You must be careful not to overwater open terrariums, as they have no hole for drainage. Too much water can cause root rot which will cause your plants to die.
Tropical plants thrive in a humid environment, so unlike a sealed vessel which creates it's own eco-system, an open vessel needs to be watered regularly.
Water lightly around the base of each plant once a week and mist every three days in summer.
TIP: You will be able to see through the glass as to whether the soil looks dry or damp with condensation on glass. You can use a bamboo skewer to poke into soil. If the soil sticks to the skewer, you know the soil has enough water. If the skewer comes out dry, you need to add water.
Place your Terrarium indoors where it will receive plenty of natural, bright light but not direct sunlight, as your plants may cook inside the glass. Keep away from direct heat sources such as heaters, as the moss and plants inside prefer a consistent temperature that changes with the seasons.
Some cleaning may be required from time to time. If you find that the glass of your Terrarium is getting smudged or dusty on the outside, use a microfibre cloth to clean it.
If you find that tiny grains of sand or dirt on the inside of your Terrarium, you can clean these off easily by using a spray bottle with distilled water (no tap water or cleaning product!). Give the side of the glass a few squirts downwards then don't water again until the top 2cm of soil is dry.
Pruning & Fertilising
The plants in your Terrarium will naturally grow slowly due to reduced space for the roots to grow. If you find plants in your terrarium are becoming too tall or overtaking your terrarium, you can trim to shape the plant. Or you can simply let it run wild!
As for fertilising, there is no need. We add all the best ingredients at the time of planting. It is normal for occassional leaves to die off when new ones grow. Any dead plant material needs to be removed to avoid rotting and contaminating your plants.
After Sales Care:
I am here to answer any questions you may have or offer advice to help you care for your terrarium once you take it home. You can contact me by phone or use the contact form.
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